Sunday, January 13, 2013

My life after Mission part 1

So, in April of 2012 I was released from serving as a full time missionary for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. I served in the Northern Virginia area for 2 full years with minimal contact with my family via e-mail, letters, and the twice a year phone calls we were allowed to make. It doesn't sound as bad as it seems. The blessing to serve the Lord Jesus Christ is priceless. It was a mixed emotional day when I got released. I was home and with my wonderful family once again. Yet I left a part of me in Virginia. The best part for my heart was being reunited with my future wife, best friend at the time, Hannah Smith. I sent her a lot of letters while on my Mission. She would write occasionally, but when she did it would be novel-like letters updating me on most of her life. I was ecstatic to see her! She was only in town for 3 more days when I arrived. Nonetheless I was able to spend a good amount of time with her. When the three days were up she went off to school in Idaho. Pretty far from Texas in my book. Time went on. I applied for jobs all around town. I didn't give up hope for finding a job. I stayed fast to the faith that God would help. During this time I was playing with an idea of going up to Idaho for Hannah's B-day which was in the begging of July. For some reason it felt like a good idea. What surprised me was that my parents were fine with it. Of course I was staying with my wonderful Grandmother which most likely helped my situation. I remember the day if when I told her I would be coming up to Idaho. It was a sad yet happy day. I was at Academy with my Mom and my 3 wonderful sisters. We were shopping for swimming suits. My Mom got a call from my Dad. My Mom had a shocked face and my heart became worried. I asked what happened and she responded that a close friend of Hannah's Dad passed away. It took a while for me to wrap my mind around what happened. I knew this guy briefly before I left on my Mission. He gave me great advice. Apparently he was recently married. Hannah texted me to keep her Dad in my prayers and plus some other minorly sad things going on in her life. I felt that I should tell her I was coming up to visit her. Of course that made her day soooooo much better! All I wanted was for her to have something to be happy about. After that day I was looking forward to going to Idaho and seeing her for 2 weeks. Plans were moved ahead and I was going to visit her a month early. Which in our minds was even better :).